Green Mobility Holding specifies intended governance structure of Europcar Mobility Group


Green Mobility Holding S.A., a bidder consortium consisting of Volkswagen, Attestor Limited and Pon Holdings B.V., has disclosed the intention to modify the governance structure of Europcar Mobility Group.

The intended modification of Europcar Mobility Group’s governance structure concerns the transition from the current one-tier Board of Directors to a two-tier board structure with a Supervisory Board and a Management Board. This intended modification is subject to approval by the shareholders of Europcar Mobility Group at the upcoming Annual General Meeting on June 29, 2022 and would be then effective as of this date.

The offer document of Green Mobility Holding S.A. having received visa no. 21-499 from the AMF on November 23, 2021 and the other information document relating to legal, financial, accounting and other characteristics of Green Mobility Holding are available on the websites of the AMF ( and Volkswagen ( and may be obtained free of charge:

Green Mobility Holding S.A.

19-21, route d’Arlon
8009 Strassen

Bank of America Europe DAC – Succursale en France
51 rue La Boétie
75008 Paris

BNP Paribas
4 rue d’Antin
75002 Paris


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